UniVac from Kaivac offers unprecedented cleaning results in a cordless system.
Cleaning Applications Videos
Kaivac Floor Finishing System
Kaivac's unique OmniFlex platform is perfect for laying floor finish.
Dispense-and-Vac for Food Service
OmniFlex Dispense-and-Vac system for food service establishments.
Kaivac for Animal and Pet Care Facilities
Kaivac offers a number of portable multipurpose cleaning solutions for pet facilities.
Kaivac for Retail
Kaivac's customized cleaning solution for retailers with powerful, easy-to-use technology.
Solving the Restroom Problem
Kaivac has a hygienic, "no-mop" solution for any commercial restroom on the planet.
Weather-Related Cleaning with OmniFlex
Live action weather-related cleaning shots of OmniFlex.
Cleaning Spills with OmniFlex
Dramatically reduce your 'spill response time' to improve floor safety and availability.
Cleaning Floors with OmniFlex Dispense-and-Vac
Learn the advantages of the OmniFlex Dispense-and-Vac system for floor cleaning and see it in action.
Classroom Cleaning Overview
Learn how to clean a classroom with an OmniFlex Microfiber Trolley or KaiMotion Flex system
Gym Mat Cleaning
Demonstration of a Kaivac No-Touch Cleaning system effectively cleaning a gym mat.
Restroom Cleaning (Español)
How to clean a restroom with a No-Touch Cleaning system in Spanish.
Cleaning Flat Surfaces with KaiFly
Overview of the benefits and science behind cleaning flat surfaces with KaiFly, including step by step instruction.
Measuring Cleanliness using ATP
Using your ATP meter's "stuff".
Rapid Restroom Cleaning
How to clean a restroom in less time without chemicals using a No-Touch Cleaning system.
Wrestling Mats
Demonstration of a Kaivac No-Touch Cleaning system effectively cleaning a wrestling mat.
Stairwell Cleaning
How to quickly deep clean stairwells with a No-Touch Cleaning system.
Restroom Cleaning
An overview of No-Touch Cleaning in restrooms.